
Gold is truly a chameleon of the jewellery world. Put to good use, gold jewellery can be classic and understated, or powerful and significant. Gold beguiles us all with its romantic storytelling, but gold can also be radical minimalistic in its geometric perfection. Gold plays equally well with green, purple or pink gemstones and clothing, and the look changes dramatically whether polished or mat. Gold gives an instant pop of preciousness to an everyday street-smart outfit of jeans and a T-shirt.

Gold is glowing and lustrous, durable and easy to work – qualities, that rapidly made gold a valued commodity and even symbol. Because gold is not tarnished over time, it was associated with the Sun and immortality, and people began coveting the precious metals for that reason. It was believed that gold would surmount death itself, and the fascination it exerted over mankind has proven the saying about the history of gold being the history of the world true.

When mixed with other metals – such as precious metals from the platinum group of silver – gold takes on various colours in so-called alloys. The perhaps most popular colour is that of gold itself, with rose gold and white gold coming in at close seconds and thirds. In addition to the use of gold in jewellery and coinage, gold is used in technology (as a conductive metal in computers) and it has almost countless industrial applications. Yet, the prestige that lies in the possession of gold far exceeds the functional value of gold, as religious tales, archaeological finds and anthropological descriptions attest to. Whether of the worldly or spiritual, various kinds of values have been communicated by gold. For more on the hallmarking and fineness of gold, read this blog [HER SKAL DER HENVISES til hallmarking] – for more about gold engraving option, read this blog [HER skal der så henvises til nedenstående]